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Walsh, Z., Mitchell, I., Crosby, K., St. Pierre, M., DeClerk, D., Ong, K., & Lucas, P. (2023). A small clinical trial of vapourized cannabis for PTSD:  Suggestive results and directions for future study. BMC Trials. 24(578).


Bell, A. D., MacCallum, C., Margolese, S., Walsh, Z., Wright, P., Daeninck, P. J., Mandarino, E., Lacasse, G., Kaur Deol, J., de Freitas, L., St. Pierre, M., Belle-Isle, L., Gagnon, M., Bevan, S., Sanchez, T., Arlt, S., Monahan-Ellison, M., O’Hara, J., Boivin, M., & Costiniuk, C. (2023). Canadian clinical practice guidelines for cannabis and cannabinoid-based medicines in the management of chronic pain and co-occurring conditions. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. doi:10.1089/can.2021.0156


St. Pierre, M., Daniels, S., Sanchez, T. A., Holtzman, S., Russo, E. B., & Walsh, Z. (2022). Assessment of the Acute Psychoactive Effects of Naturalistic Cannabis Use (NCAP): A Proof-Of-Concept Study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.

St. Pierre, M., Daniels, S., & Walsh, Z. (2022). Cannabis Substitution: A Canadian Perspective. The High North: Cannabis in Canada. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.

Daniels, S., St. Pierre, M., Sanchez, T. A., & Walsh, Z. (2022). Physician communication and perceived stigma in prenatal cannabis use. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.


Lafrance, A., Strahan, E., Bird, B. M., St. Pierre, M., & Walsh, Z. (2021). Classic psychedelic use and mental health: Exploring the mediating roles of spirituality and emotion processing capacities on symptoms of anxiety, depressed mood and disordered eating in a community sample. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.


Lake, S., & St. Pierre, M. (2020). The relationship between cannabis use and patient outcomes in medication-based treatment of opioid use disorder: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 82.


St. Pierre, M., Russo, E. B., & Walsh, Z. (2020). No evidence of altered reactivity to experimentally-induced pain among regular cannabis users. Journal of Clinical Pain, 36(8), 589-593. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000000844


Wright, P., Walsh, Z., Margolese, S., Sanchez, T., Arlt, S., Belle-Isle, L., St. Pierre, M., Bell, A., Daeninck, P., Gagnon, M., Lacasse, G., MacCallum, C., Mandarino, E., Yale, J., O'Hara, J., & Costiniuk, C. (2020). Canadian clinical practice guidelines for the use of cannabis and cannabinoid-based products in the management of chronic pain and co-occurring conditions: Protocol for a systematic literature review. BMJ Open, 10(5).


St. Pierre, M., Matthews, L., & Walsh, Z. (2020). Cannabis education needs assessment among Canadian physicians-in-training. Complimentary Therapies in Medicine, 49, 102328.


Walsh, Z., & Thiessen, M. S. (2018). Psychedelics, mindfulness, and the new behaviorists: Considering the integration of Third-Wave Behaviorism with psychedelic therapy. International Review of Psychiatry, 25, 1-7.


Thiessen, M. S., Walsh, Z., Bird, B. M., & Lafrance, A. (2018). Psychedelic use and intimate partner violence: The role of emotion regulation. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 32(7), 749-755. doi:10.1177/0269881118771782


Thiessen, M. S., Matthews, L., & Walsh, Z. (2017). First, do no harm: The role of cannabis education in response to the opioid crisis. University of British Columbia Medical Journal, 9(1), 26-27.


Walsh, Z., Gonzalez, R., Crosby, K., Thiessen, M. S., Carroll, C., & Bonn-Miller, M. O. (2017). Medical cannabis and mental health: A guided systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 51, 15-29. doi:10.1016/j.cpr.2016.10.002


Walsh, Z., Hendricks, P. S., Smith, S., Kosson, D. S., Thiessen, M. S., Lucas, P., & Swogger, M. T. (2016). Hallucinogen use and intimate partner violence: Prospective evidence consistent with protective effects among men with histories of problematic substance use. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 30(7), 601-607. doi:10.1177/0269881116642538

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